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International konference om Kirken på Landet

Structure and Identity: Churches in Rural Areas in Europe. An International conference for experts on church life in Rural Areas in Europe. Participating Countries: Sweden, Norway, Holland, England, France, Germany, Denmark
Uddybende kursusbeskrivelse:
This conference is the second international Conference for Churches in Rural Areas in Europe. The first conference aimed to present the general challenges for the rural churches in an European perspective.  At this conference we will focus on the connection between structure and identity. The dialectic between identity and structure is essential for the development of the rural churches. Identity includes cultural heritage, community, sport and leisure activities, fellowship etc. Structure includes public institutions, local councils and organization, economy, professions etc. In other words the church's local and internal relations and the relation between the church and the surrounding society.
Af programmet:
Detaljeres program offentliggøres snarest.
Dato:13. oktober - 15. oktober 2021
Kursusleder:Lektor, ph.d. Hans Vium Mikkelsen og Kirkekonsulent Yvonne Nielsen Alstrup
Målgruppe:Indbudt gruppe
Kursussted:FUV Løgumkloster/Refugiet
Kursus-id:K. 67/21 - 2399
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